By the time you've signed your building agreement, you undoubtedly know some of the features and finishes that your new home will include, but you'll still have choices to make. For example, your building agreement will specify the type of roofing and siding materials, but what color do you prefer?
Choosing all the finishes that reflect your own personal style - that's the fun part about building a new home! Or at least it should be. And it can be with teamwork between you and your builder. That means making your choices on time and in the order that your builder needs them.
We - and most builders - give you a timeline of what selections need to be made and when. It’s important to make choices on time so that materials can be ordered and delivered when needed.
By breaking down decisions into small, manageable parts, the process of making selections can be fun and exciting as you choose all the features and finishes that make your new home uniquely yours.
- Betsy de Parry, VP, Sales and Marketing